
Could This Be a Greater Song? :)

August 05th 2011-2012 :)

A year ago, I met him - A young man, tall, wearing eye-glasses, looks smart and mature. I just knew a little about him.. He's the oldest son of Pastor in one of Satellite Church in Medan (It means the church where I grow in has a Satellite Church in Medan).. He is studying in Theology School that time.. and he has a cute smile... XP At first, I ran from him, because I know, it's impossible for us to be together

Days goes by... We only met in our church in Jakarta and we just smile to each other. I knew that he keep watching at me sometimes and from the corner of my eyes, I also watching him. Everytime that happened, I thought about him. So I just tell God, that I'm curious about him, but I know it's impossible - so I get him out of my mind as quickly as possible

Early November, I had dance practice in my church. And after I finished, I saw him, he smile at me and we had a very short conversation. After I got home, I tell God that I thought about him again. And HE just said to me, "Become his friend.. Get his BBM contact and build friendship with him.." HE just said that and then I went to sleep.

But I also keep it in my mind when my Mentor ask me, "Do you someone that are close to you right now?" Actually NO, but I told him about this man-that make me curious. Later, he told me why he asked me that question. One day, I will tell you.. :)

The next day, I saw him preparing for youth service. I just sat down in front of the church, waited for the car to pick me up. He suddenly came to me and we had a long conversation. We talked about a lot of things. And in the end.. GUESS WHAT? He asked me for my BBM Contact!! :)
GOD just told me last night and it happened! :)

Days goes by, we talked and shared about our lives, dreams, vision, etc. From those conversation I knew
We have a similar vision and dreams. And everyday, conversation flows between us, like an old friends, we never ran out of topics. But I still know, it's impossible for us

So I began to pray, I said, "GOD, if this man is the one that comes from YOU, show me, that it is him that YOU has prepared for me. If he's the one, I will wait. I will not going back no matter what will we face..." And everyday, my heart sure that he's the one. Although I'm scared, but my heart keep assuring me through a lot of things

December 25th 2011. We had a conversation about what we felt, but we knew that the time was not right. So we made a commitment to pray for this and to guard each other's heart and purity, until the time is right

Days goes by, we face a lot of processes. And through those things, I thought that this is the right person. We made mistakes and we learn from it, we even ever forgot to be careful, but we learn from it

We often pray together via phone
We shared about a lot of things
Our dreams, plans, ministries, problems, etc.
We support each others in everything that we do
We remind each others also..
Sometimes we also having fun and laugh together..

At first, I thought that I'm as mature as he is
But through the journey of waiting..
I just realized, how great and wise he is..
And it makes my heart cherish him more.. :)

"HE made the sun, HE made the moon
To harmonize a perfect tune
One can't move without the others
They just have to be together
And no matter how I know its true
You're for me and I'm for you
Cause my world just can't be right
Without you in my life...

I wonder what GOD was thinking
When HE created you...
I wonder if HE knew everything I would need
Because HE made all me dreams come true
HE must have heard every prayer I've been praying
Yes, HE knew everything I would need
When GOD made you
HE must have been thinking about me.."

Now, it's been a year since I first met him..
We can't be together for now..
But I know, he's the man who can truly understands me..
He's the man who knows how to love me
He's the man who will never let me be a chilidish woman
And he always know the way to make me learn and grow

We faced a lot of giants and problems in front of us
Sometimes it made me felt hard to trust in him...
I wish I had a short-cuts to know everything NOW
But I believe, GOD will make all things BEAUTIFUL IN HIS TIME.. :)

So here I am..
Keep praying for his future, ministries and dreams
Keep learning to put my trust in him
Keep learning to trust in my GOD more as I trust my heart in him

I'll use this season of waiting to build my trust in GOD
To prepare myself more
To learn more to be a better woman
To upgrade myself to fulfill my destiny
And I really hope
It is really him, the one that GOD has prepared
To be my partner for life
And I hope, one day we can be together :)

"I will move ahead bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience
While I'm waiting, I will serve YOU
While I'm waiting, I will worship
While I'm waiting, I will not faint
I will running the race
Even while I'm wait..."

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